Sufing Wetsuit

  • Bana ba Surfing Sufing Childrens Spring Neoprene Wetsuits

    Bana ba Surfing Sufing Childrens Spring Neoprene Wetsuits

    Khetho e kholo!
    Thepa ea rabara ea chloroprene e sebelisoang seaparong sena sa metsi se matsoho a malelele sa bana se fana ka tšireletso e babatsehang le tšireletso ha ba qoela.
    Sutu e etselitsoe ho lekana hantle, ho netefatsa ho boloka mocheso o phahameng le ho fetoha habonolo.
    Matsoho a malelele a fana ka tšireletso e eketsehileng le tšireletso mahlaseling a kotsi a letsatsi.
    Wetsuit ena e nepahetse bakeng sa bana ba ratang ho hlahloba lefatše le ka tlas'a metsi 'me ba hloka lisebelisoa tse tšepahalang ho ba boloka ba sireletsehile ba bile ba phutholohile.Ho feta moo, kaho e tšoarellang ea sutu e tiisa hore e tla tšoarella bakeng sa liketsahalo tse ngata tsa ho qoela tse tlang.
    Ikakhele ka setotsoana ka kholiseho u tseba hore ngoana oa hau o na le lisebelisoa tse ntle ka ho fetisisa!


  • Customized Full 'Mele Camo Neoprene Wetsuit Bakeng sa Batho ba Baholo

    Customized Full 'Mele Camo Neoprene Wetsuit Bakeng sa Batho ba Baholo

    Camo Neoprene Wetsuit ke setaele le boleng bo holimo ba wetsuit bo bululetsoeng ke lipaterone tsa camouflage tse fumanoang tlhahong.E entsoe ka thepa ea boleng bo holimo ea neoprene, wetsuit ena e entsoe ka mokhoa o khethehileng ho e etsa hore e tšoarelle ka mokhoa o ikhethang le e sa keneleng metsi.Wetsuit ena e entsoe ka mokhoa o lekanang oa ergonomic le sehiloeng se haufi-ufi se lumellang batho ba qoelang metsing ho sesa ka tlas'a metsi habonolo ha ba ntse ba futhumetse ebile ba phutholohile.

  • 3mm Neoprene Adults Wetsuit Sleeve Surf Suit

    3mm Neoprene Adults Wetsuit Sleeve Surf Suit

    Sutu e telele ea ho qoela e nang le sekoaelo sa ho qoela, elasticity e phahameng le zipper e ka pele ho etsa hore ho qoela ho sireletsehe le ho natefeloa, sutu ena ea sutu e u sireletsa khahlanong le likotsi le likotsi tse ka bang teng metsing, ho tsitsisa ho hoholo le ho hlaphoheloa hantle, ho rokoa le ho roka ho foufetseng bakeng sa matla a phahameng le ho tšoarella nako e telele, e tšoarellang, ha e tšoenyehe ka ho taboha, tšireletso ea 360 ° hohle-hohle bakeng sa likarolo tsohle tsa hlooho.

  • 3MM Front Zipper Freediving Wet Suit Neoprene Swimming Shorts

    3MM Front Zipper Freediving Wet Suit Neoprene Swimming Shorts

    E entsoe ka neoprene ea boleng bo holimo e tšoarellang e otlollang le ho kenya li-insulates.

    Ho khaola ka mahlakoreng a mararo ho loketse sebopeho, ho futhumala, ho phefumoloha le ho omisa ka potlako, ho thusa ho eketsa lebelo la ho sesa le ho fokotsa ho thibela metsi.

    Mekhahlelo e meraro ea masela a qoela ka pele zip wetsuit, kantle ke lesela la nylon le tsoang kantle ho naha, le boreleli bo phahameng ebile le tšoarella;sekoaelo se bohareng ke neoprene, se na le scalability e phahameng, se sa keneleng metsi le mocheso;ho futhumatsa letlalo le bonolo ho boloka mofuthu, ke letlalo le haufi 'me le phutholohile le futhumetse

  • Smooth Shark Skins Neoprene Wetsuit

    Smooth Shark Skins Neoprene Wetsuit

    Smooth Shark Skins Neoprene Wetsuit - khetho ea mantlha bakeng sa sebapali sa sejoale-joale sa lipapali tsa metsi!Wetsuit ena e ikhethang e entsoe ho sebelisoa theknoloji ea morao-rao ho u fa boiketlo le setaele se phahameng.e entsoe ka thepa ea boleng bo holimo ea neoprene e tenyetsehang ka mokhoa o makatsang ha e ntse e lula e le bobebe ebile e phefumoloha.Sutu e na le sebopeho se ikhethang sa sharkskin se ke keng sa eketsa botle ba sona feela, empa hape se thusa ho fokotsa ho hanyetsa metsi, ho u lumella ho tsamaea ka potlako metsing. lesela le ka hare le etsa bonnete ba hore ho bonolo ho apara ka nako e telele ntle le ho baka khathatso leha e le efe.Sutu e boetse e tšoarella haholo ebile e matla, ho bolelang hore e khona ho mamella maemo a thata ka ho fetisisa.

  • Mens Sekhechana se le seng sa Wetsuit ea Sleeve e telele

    Mens Sekhechana se le seng sa Wetsuit ea Sleeve e telele

    Our Men's One Piece Long Sleeve Wetsuit – tharollo ea ho qetela bakeng sa batho ba chesehelang lipapali tsa metsi ba batlang ho lula ba phutholohile, ba sireletsehile ba bile ba le setaele ha ba ntse ba etsa mesebetsi eo ba e ratang.

    Wetsuit ena e entsoe ka thepa ea boleng bo holimo ea neoprene e fanang ka insulation e phahameng le ho tšoarella.E etselitsoe ho fana ka tšireletso ea 'mele e feletseng le tšireletso ho chesoa ke letsatsi, mocheso oa metsi a batang le likotsi tse ling tse amanang le lipapali tsa metsi.

    Matsoho a malelele a wetsuit a fana ka tšireletso e eketsehileng le tšireletso bakeng sa matsoho, ha zipper e bolelele bo felletseng e lumella ho bulela le ho tima habonolo.Li-shrimplock seams li netefatsa ho teneha ho fokolang, ho chafing kapa ho chafing, le lithupa tse matlafalitsoeng tsa mangole le setulo li netefatsa polokeho ea mosebedisi ka nako e telele.

  • Batho ba baholo 'Mele Surfing 4/3 Sefubeng Zip Wetsuit

    Batho ba baholo 'Mele Surfing 4/3 Sefubeng Zip Wetsuit

    4/3 Chest Zip Wetsuit – keketso e phethahetseng pokellong efe kapa efe ea sesupa kapa moqoeli.E entsoe ka theknoloji ea morao-rao, wetsuit ena e tiisa matšeliso le tšireletso e phahameng nakong ea mesebetsi ea metsi.

    E entsoe ka thepa ea boleng bo holimo ea neoprene, wetsuit ena e botenya ba 4/3mm ho u boloka u futhumetse le ho u sireletsa serameng.Zipper ea sefuba ha e ntlafatse feela ho tenyetseha ha sutu, empa hape e fokotsa ho kena ha metsi, ho u boloka u futhumetse nako e telele.Ho phaella moo, li-seams tse tiisitsoeng tsa sutu li thibela metsi ho tsoa.

  • Springsuit Wetsuit Swimming Wetsuit Womens Womens Full Wetsuit

    Springsuit Wetsuit Swimming Wetsuit Womens Womens Full Wetsuit

    E entsoe ka 2mm e teteaneng haholo e otlollang neoprene;Comfortable Flatstitch Construction e u fa ho lekana le bonolo
    Masela a matle a otlollang le a ho hlaphoheloa, moralo o loketseng sebopeho o fokotsa ho hula ka metsing o u fa motsamao oa mahala ntle le thibelo.
    Premium lightweight neoprene e nang le lisele tse ngata tsa moea e thibela metsi ho kena le ho tsoa;eketsa mocheso le ho fokotsa boima ba 'mele
    E etselitsoe ka ho khetheha bakeng sa boikoetliso ba metsi le aqua aerobics, e ntle bakeng sa lipapali leha e le life tsa metsi e fana ka tšireletso le tšireletso ea UPF50+ UV khahlanong le linta tsa leoatle, jellies le lintho tse ling tse tsosang takatso ea likokoana-hloko.

  • Batho ba baholo ba Wetsuit Scuba Diving Suit Surfing Swimsuit

    Batho ba baholo ba Wetsuit Scuba Diving Suit Surfing Swimsuit

    Wetsuit ena e felletseng e etselitsoe lipapali tsa metsi ka ho khetheha, e entsoe ka thepa ea boleng bo holimo ea boleng bo holimo ea elastic eco-friendly le neoprene e se nang kotsi, e bonolo haholo ebile e le rekere, e fokotsa ka katleho ho hanyetsa ho phalla ha metsi, e bonolo / e tšoarellang / e otlolohileng / e phefumolohang / e botsoalle. Smooth Touch / Mofuthu / Tšireletso ea UV / UPF 50+.

    Mosebetsi o ka sehloohong oa wetsuit ke ho kenya letsoho ho boloka motho ea e apereng a futhumetse eo ho seng joalo a ka lahleheloang ke mocheso oa 'mele ka potlako ka lebaka la ho fetisoa ha mocheso ho tsoa ho metsi a mangata haholo.Mesebetsi ea bobeli le ea tšohanyetso ke ho hlasimoloha le ts'ireletso likotsing tse ling tsa tikoloho joalo ka ho khojoa, ho chesoa ke letsatsi, le, hanyenyane, le moea o batang.Letlalo le boreleli le thibelang moea le fana ka tšireletso e eketsehileng le tšireletso ho batang.

  • Li-wetsuits tsa CustomTwo Piece Neoprene Camouflage tse nang le hood

    Li-wetsuits tsa CustomTwo Piece Neoprene Camouflage tse nang le hood

    The neoprene camouflage wetsuit with hood ke tharollo ea mantlha bakeng sa batho ba qoelang metsing ba batlang ho hlahloba botebo ba leoatle.Letšoao la li-wesuits tsena ke moralo oa camouflage.Moetso oa camouflage o etselitsoe ho tsoakana le tikoloho ea tlhaho, e lumellang ba qoelang metsing ho tsamaea ka khutso tikolohong ea bona.Thepa e sebelisoang li-wesuits tsena ke li-neoprene tsa boleng bo holimo tse bonolo, tse otlolohileng 'me li fana ka tšireletso e babatsehang ho boloka mefuta e mengata e futhumetse le metsing a batang haholo.Thepa e holim'a li-wesuits tsena e fana ka tšireletso e eketsehileng ho boloka hlooho, molala le litsebe tsa diver li futhumetse le ho sirelelitsoe ho tloha maemong a leholimo.Liaparo tsena tsa metsi li etselitsoe ho lumella motho ea li apereng ho tsamaea ha a ntse a sesa, e leng se etsang hore e be tse loketseng bakeng sa ho qoela le lipapali tse ling tsa metsing.

  • Thin Neoprene Material 3MM Rubber Smooth Wetsuit

    Thin Neoprene Material 3MM Rubber Smooth Wetsuit

    Neoprene smooth wetsuit ke wetsuit e sebetsang hantle haholo e loketseng ho qoela ka botebo.Thepa ena e na le nako e telele ea nako e telele 'me e khona ho mamella litlamorao tsa lintlha tse fapaneng joalo ka khatello e phahameng, mocheso o tlase le tšusumetso ea maqhubu.
    Ho phaella moo, e etsa hore lisebelisoa tsohle tsa lisebelisoa li tšoanelehe haholoanyane, 'me khanya ea eona e holimo e phahame haholo, eo ho seng bonolo ho e rusa.
    The wetsuit e boreleli e bonts'a ka botlalo ts'ebetso e sa keneleng metsi ea neoprene, e bolokang mocheso oa sekepe leoatleng nako e telele.