Neoprene WetsuitDiving Suit

  • Likhechana tse peli tsa Camo Spearfishing Wetsuit

    Likhechana tse peli tsa Camo Spearfishing Wetsuit

    Camo Spearfishing Wetsuit e etselitsoe ho fana ka li-spearfishers tšireletso le boiketlo ba ho qetela.E entsoe ka thepa ea boleng bo holimo ea neoprene, lisutu tsena li etselitsoe metsi a batang kapa ho tšoasa litlhapi tse tebileng tsa metsi.Liaparo tsena tsa metsi li na le moralo o mocha oa ho pata o lumellang batšoasi ba litlhapi ho tsoakana tikolohong ea bona, e leng se etsang hore li se ke tsa bonahala ho liphofu.Moralo o ikhethang oa Camo Spearfishing wetsuit o netefatsa hore motho ea e apereng o lula a futhumetse ebile a le monate le maemong a thata.Liaparo tsena tsa metsi li na le mangole a tiisitsoeng le meroko e netefatsang hore li khona ho mamella ha ho tsubella le ho oa ha spearfishing.

  • Li-wetsuits tsa CustomTwo Piece Neoprene Camouflage tse nang le hood

    Li-wetsuits tsa CustomTwo Piece Neoprene Camouflage tse nang le hood

    The neoprene camouflage wetsuit with hood ke tharollo ea mantlha bakeng sa batho ba qoelang metsing ba batlang ho hlahloba botebo ba leoatle.Letšoao la li-wesuits tsena ke moralo oa camouflage.Moetso oa camouflage o etselitsoe ho tsoakana le tikoloho ea tlhaho, e lumellang ba qoelang metsing ho tsamaea ka khutso tikolohong ea bona.Thepa e sebelisoang li-wesuits tsena ke li-neoprene tsa boleng bo holimo tse bonolo, tse otlolohileng 'me li fana ka tšireletso e babatsehang ho boloka mefuta e mengata e futhumetse le metsing a batang haholo.Thepa e holim'a li-wesuits tsena e fana ka tšireletso e eketsehileng ho boloka hlooho, molala le litsebe tsa diver li futhumetse le ho sirelelitsoe ho tloha maemong a leholimo.Liaparo tsena tsa metsi li etselitsoe ho lumella motho ea li apereng ho tsamaea ha a ntse a sesa, e leng se etsang hore e be tse loketseng bakeng sa ho qoela le lipapali tse ling tsa metsing.

  • Moqapi o Mocha 2/2 Chest Zip 5mm Spring Suit Men's Neoprene 3mm Diving Wetsuits Shorty Surfing Camo Wetsuits

    Moqapi o Mocha 2/2 Chest Zip 5mm Spring Suit Men's Neoprene 3mm Diving Wetsuits Shorty Surfing Camo Wetsuits

    Wetsuit ena e felletseng e etselitsoe lipapali tsa metsi ka ho khetheha, e entsoe ka thepa ea boleng bo holimo ea boleng bo holimo ea elastic eco-friendly le neoprene e se nang kotsi, e bonolo haholo ebile e le rekere, e fokotsa ka katleho ho hanyetsa ho phalla ha metsi, e bonolo / e tšoarellang / e otlolohileng / e phefumolohang / e botsoalle. Smooth Touch / Mofuthu / Tšireletso ea UV / UPF 50+.

  • Mefuta e batang le e futhumetseng ea banna le basali ba nang le hooded-piece e le 'ngoe marikhoe a malelele a malelele a wetsuit swimsuit surfing surfing.

    Mefuta e batang le e futhumetseng ea banna le basali ba nang le hooded-piece e le 'ngoe marikhoe a malelele a malelele a wetsuit swimsuit surfing surfing.

    Wetsuit e feletseng e sebetsa ka ho siea metsi a tšesaane 'meleng ka mor'a hore e kene ka har'a seaparo sa metsi.'Mele o lula o sisinyeha ho hlahisa mocheso le ho boloka' mele oa hau o futhumetse.Wetsuit e u sireletsa khahlanong le ho chesoa ke letsatsi le mengoapo ea letlalo ho tloha metsing a tebileng a leoatle 'me ha e senye letlalo la bona ka lebaka la tšilafalo ea metsi.

    E entsoe ka neoprene ea boleng bo holimo e tšoarellang e otlollang le ho kenya li-insulates.Ho khaola ka mahlakoreng a mararo ho loketse sebopeho, ho futhumala, ho phefumoloha le ho omisa ka potlako, ho thusa ho eketsa lebelo la ho sesa le ho fokotsa ho thibela metsi.